An Inside Job: on processing Edith Tudor-Hart’s photographic estate

Tuesday 5 March 2024 | 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Explore the work of the Bauhaus-trained photographer Edith Tudor-Hart, her connection to Isokon and new research findings from her archive.

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To celebrate the 90th anniversary of the opening of the Isokon Flats, the Isokon Gallery is pleased to announce Through a Bauhaus Lens: Edith Tudor-Hart and Isokon, an exhibition of previously unseen 1933-34 photographs by the Viennese, Bauhaus-trained photographer and Soviet spy recruiter Edith Tudor-Hart.

Stefanie Pirker, M.A., M.Sc. visits us from FOTOHOF in Salzburg, that holds the archive of Edith Tudor-Hart. She is entrusted with the photographer’s estate and currently writing her Ph.D. thesis about her work. In her talk An Inside Job: on processing Edith Tudor-Hart’s photographic estate she will elaborate Edith Tudor-Hart’s life story, the form and content of her archive, reveal connections to the Isokon Flats and the Modern Movement in the UK and share some of her new research findings.