Paperback, 80 pages
By Joshua Abbott
We are pleased to announce our second Mini Guide. Moving into the postwar period, this edition explores the non-housing work of London County Council and the Greater London Council between 1946 and 1986.
During this period the L.C.C. and G.L.C. architects’ departments designed a wide range of buildings, including schools, colleges, fire stations, community centres and much more. These buildings have formed the infrastructure of the capital in the postwar period
They were aided by a number of private architects who designed buildings for the councils. Erno Goldfinger, Denys Lasdun, Chamberlin, Powell & Bon, Terry Farrell and others produced work for or started their careers with the authority.
L.C.C. & G.L.C. Selected Projects 1946-86 brings together over 50 buildings with colour photographs and detailed descriptions. The A5 guide is 80 pages long, and printed on 150gsm Silk paper.